
Do bad decisions exist?

For some, this question may be confusing or even plain silly: “Of course bad decisions exist! How could they not?”, they’d claim. And they are not wrong – some choices are simply wrong. However, there are situations when we wonder about our correctness of our decision – and we might not need to. The definite […]

Other Thoughts

My most important anniversary (so far)

Before anyone starts wondering: no, I didn’t get married; no, it’s not a special birthday and no, it’s not the day I became a Muslim, vegan, Catholic or Republican. This day marks the start of much, much more important era in my life. It has been exactly 3 years since I made the commitment to […]



Without even realising, we make dozens if not hundreds of decisions every day: which seat to take on the underground, which cereal to buy at the supermarket, what music to listen to… And these are nothing compared to the conscious, often life-changing choices regarding our work, love life and home. The freedom to choose for […]



In our “professional” lives, be it work or studying, we learn to prioritize and we do our best to stick to it. We know what needs to be done, we know the deadlines and the importance of tasks and we organize ourselves accordingly. Unfortunately, we often forget to do the same for our life outside […]

Thoughts Tips and tricks

At crossroads (?)

Remember the article I wrote about 6 months ago about taking a leap? I basically suggested that if you don’t feel right in a situation and you know something’s not working, you should be brave to step away from the known mediocre road to the unknown that could bring something amazing to your life. But […]


Graduation goggles

If you watched a certain episode of How I Met Your Mother, you know what graduation goggles refers to: a fuzzy, warm, nostalgic feeling you get when you’re about to leave something (or someone) behind, even though it/they made you miserable. The name is truly telling: even if high school was hell on Earth for […]

Cultural Thoughts

The children of immigrants

Ever since people first started walking on this Earth and building societies, groups of them have always migrated. Back in the day, it was to find new resources such as food or water; it later became a phenomenon characterised by economic factors, natural disasters and, the worst of all, tragedies caused by humans: wars. Recently, […]

Cultural Thoughts


Clearly, I don’t mean actual imprisonment – that’s a whole different issue with its own debate about society and justice that I won’t get into now. I won’t discuss the lack of freedom that some countries experience either – that’s a possible topic for another post. Instead, I’d like to talk about the sense of […]


Take the leap

At one point or another, we all come to crossroads where we have two options: do what is supposed to be done or do what we really, REALLY want. Friends, family, partners, teachers, colleagues… everyone will have their own opinion, but what should you really do? People say “Just follow your heart”, but it’s often […]