
All you need is… peace

We often talk about what we want: a loving partner, supportive friends, a successful career, a solid financial situation… The list goes on and on. However, very rarely do we focus on what we need (which in itself is a whole different topic mentioned in a previous post) on a deeper level. In the end, […]


Layers of respect

In today’s world, there are many brave people who are fighting for universal human rights. I personally think it is astonishing and admirable that there are so many of us who care about bringing about the respect of all individuals, regardless of the colour of their skin, their sexual orientation, their country of origin or […]


What matters to you?

We know this story line from a typical romantic comedy: driven career-oriented man/woman with a stone where their heart should be is touched by a traumatic event/a holiday miracle/an oncoming crisis and changes their values and priorities completely. These films suggest that these people are “bad” to begin with and, as their eyes are opened […]

Thoughts Tips and tricks

Basic dos for a good life

Based on the title, you’re probably expecting some wise advice that will help you get that awesome job with the great money, buy that fantastic house or get ahead in life in any other way. In my opinion, however, that’s not what you need for a good life. Sure, financial stability and a meaningful job […]



In our “professional” lives, be it work or studying, we learn to prioritize and we do our best to stick to it. We know what needs to be done, we know the deadlines and the importance of tasks and we organize ourselves accordingly. Unfortunately, we often forget to do the same for our life outside […]