
The stress of living abroad

Living abroad is an adventure that is an exciting, frightening, beautiful, challenging and life-altering  all at the same time. No matter how much you read and learn about the place to which you’re moving, no matter that you may identify even more with that culture than your own; you will face difficulties along the way. […]

Cultural Thoughts

Preparing to move

After weeks, even months of waiting, I can finally say that I’m moving to Spain in LESS THAN A WEEK! If you’ve read a few of my posts or know me in real life, you know how much I’m head over heels in love with the country. The amazing history, the gorgeous buildings, the delicious […]

Cultural Thoughts

The children of immigrants

Ever since people first started walking on this Earth and building societies, groups of them have always migrated. Back in the day, it was to find new resources such as food or water; it later became a phenomenon characterised by economic factors, natural disasters and, the worst of all, tragedies caused by humans: wars. Recently, […]

Cultural Thoughts

Things I learnt living abroad

I know there’s plenty of articles and blog posts listing all the amazing things you can learn abroad. However, most of these are dedicated to those who only spend their vacation in another country, not to those who actually have lived abroad. Without being specific about any country I’ve lived in, here are a few […]

Cultural Thoughts


Clearly, I don’t mean actual imprisonment – that’s a whole different issue with its own debate about society and justice that I won’t get into now. I won’t discuss the lack of freedom that some countries experience either – that’s a possible topic for another post. Instead, I’d like to talk about the sense of […]

Tips and tricks

How to survive homesickness

In the previous post I addressed the topic of homesickness and what it means to me. I also promised I would write about the different tips on how to fight being homesick. Now, some of the advice below may seem obvious; heck, you might even be doing all of these already! If so, hats off […]