
About not giving up

Regardless of how we look, where we live, what we do for a living or who we pray to, we have all experienced difficult situations in life. I’m not talking about only coming third in a beerpong contest even though you were hoping for second place or having to put up with your gossipy aunt […]

Cultural Thoughts

The children of immigrants

Ever since people first started walking on this Earth and building societies, groups of them have always migrated. Back in the day, it was to find new resources such as food or water; it later became a phenomenon characterised by economic factors, natural disasters and, the worst of all, tragedies caused by humans: wars. Recently, […]



Lately, I have been reading through my old writings and came across one that I wrote around the end of 2013. Even though over four years have passed since, it still feels freakishly relevant. So, for the sake of completeness, here is the entire piece with no editing – just for you. “Dear Reader, whoever […]