
The stress of living abroad

Living abroad is an adventure that is an exciting, frightening, beautiful, challenging and life-altering  all at the same time. No matter how much you read and learn about the place to which you’re moving, no matter that you may identify even more with that culture than your own; you will face difficulties along the way. […]

Cultural Thoughts

Roots and wings

‘Blessed be that which gives your children wings and roots’ says an Arabic proverb. I know this seems like another one of those seemingly spiritual and meaningful but actually empty sentences that 19-year old girls get tattooed on their forearms, together with a Chinese symbol (which they think means “peace” but actually stands for “idiot […]

Cultural Thoughts

5 reasons to study religions – even as an atheist

If you know me either in real life or through my articles, you might know that I grew up without a religion; in a way, I’m an atheist. No, not the kind burning the Bible and the Quran and shouting “There is no God!” on the street. I truly think that the fact that I […]

Cultural Thoughts

What I missed in Utrecht – but found in Salzburg

As part of my research for my Master’s thesis, I not only visited the Committee of the Regions in Brussels (see the piece about my visit here) also went to investigate an organisation called the Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE) in Salzburg. Despite this being somewhat of an “official” trip, I also managed […]


5 cliché advices and why they’re not always applicable

Back in the day, it was only our parents and, if you were lucky, some of the teachers telling us inspirationally-intended messages. Some of these were meant to be life lessons (“It’s about the journey, not the end.”) while others were simply aimed at trying to get us do something (“Early bird gets the worm.” […]

Cultural Thoughts

5 reasons to visit Bristol

I was only 17 when I moved to Bristol, a big city in the United Kingdom; that was the first place where I lived without my family. And sure enough, I had enough stereotypes/expectations in mind before arriving in the UK: the constant rain, the smog, the reserved people, tea all the time… But Bristol […]


Stop being wasteful

Recently, people have become more aware of the problems related to wasteful attitudes. There’s numerous headlines calling our attention to how much food we throw away, what the overuse of single-use plastics is doing to our oceans, how changing your durable goods (like your phone) more often than necessary is damaging our environment… The list […]

Cultural Thoughts

The children of immigrants

Ever since people first started walking on this Earth and building societies, groups of them have always migrated. Back in the day, it was to find new resources such as food or water; it later became a phenomenon characterised by economic factors, natural disasters and, the worst of all, tragedies caused by humans: wars. Recently, […]

Cultural Tips and tricks

My favourite spots in Valencia

If you’ve read some of my previous posts, you know that I’m pretty much in love with Spain. It’s not just the weather and the gorgeous sandy beaches that I adore (although they’re a huge plus) – it’s the atmosphere, the food, the mentality of the people, the cultural heritage, the music… It all ties […]

Cultural Thoughts Tips and tricks

5 reasons to read books

Even before I learnt to read, I adored books. My mum always had to read at least one fairy tale or short story to me before going to bed. Luckily, I learnt how to read really early and read my own fairy tales so that liberated my mum from the daily task (I still made […]