Thoughts Tips and tricks

How to adult

We live in the ages of memes. There is one for every occasion, no matter the situation. There are true gems out there, and one of my personal favourites is the “I don’t want to adult today” batch. Because, let’s face it, we’ve all had days when we look back at our childhood selves dreaming […]

Thoughts Tips and tricks

The ultimate step to becoming an adult

I have mentioned previously that becoming of age in the legal sense has little to do with how grown up we are and how maturely we behave. There is a need to grow constantly, reflect on our past decisions to learn from them and take more and more responsibility for our actions in our lives. […]

Cultural Thoughts

Roots and wings

‘Blessed be that which gives your children wings and roots’ says an Arabic proverb. I know this seems like another one of those seemingly spiritual and meaningful but actually empty sentences that 19-year old girls get tattooed on their forearms, together with a Chinese symbol (which they think means “peace” but actually stands for “idiot […]