Thoughts Tips and tricks

Feeling stuck (?)

There are moments in life when, despite all your efforts and ambitions, you feel, well, stuck. Although you rationally know that these rough patches cannot possibly last forever, it may easily seem that there’s no moving on to the next stage, that things may never get better and that all the time and energy you’ve […]

Thoughts Tips and tricks

My relapse prevention plan

When we hear or see the word “relapse”, we tend to think of someone with a heavy drug or alcohol problem who got clean but fell off the wagon. Besides the fact that addiction and recovery is much more complicated than that, it is also safe to say that there are several things from which […]

Thoughts Tips and tricks

When things don’t go as planned

Wherever you are, whatever you do, you’ll always come across situations when some (or even all) of your plans collapse and nothing goes as you wished it had. Whether it’s a beautiful holiday that gets ruined by crappy weather or a tragic event that keeps you from preparing for a presentation, there’s always plenty of […]